Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quad Stroller!

So, Tom and I took the plunge and purchased a used Quad stroller. I NEVER

thought I would be going anywhere alone with four babies, but that thought has changed! I am sick of being stuck in the living room, and constantly needing Marc and Lexi to push the 2nd stroller. And, of course, what 13 or 15 yo WANT to push a stroller in the mall?! :) Soooo, Tom and I drove up to North Jersey and bought this stroller in excellent shape from a triplet mom I met online. It is in great shape, and I am very excited to get some use out of it. We still have to figure out if we need to hitch it to the back of the van, or if it can break down enough to go in the back of the van, so once the snow stops here, that is the next plan. BUT, I am so excited to even take a walk around the block during the day, when the rest of the kiddos are in school! :)


Sarah said...

You needed that! Now that you can contain them all you have so much more freedom. I guess you just have to figure out how to break it down and reassemble it and you'll be off! Have fun. Too bad I won't be there to go to the mall with you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann,
That is great that you will be able to take the babies out on your own. They all look like they have alot of room. enjoy it!!

Anonymous said...

OMG... That's awesome! This may be the key to more freedom for you and kiddies, Mom! Enjoy & have fun! Happy strolling to all! :)

MaryBeth said...

Ahh, freedom! Congrats. I hope you love your quad RA as much as we love our triple RA. I say go for the hitch... it's easy and that way there is still room in the vehicle (not that there's lots of room anyway with four carseats)!