Friday, July 24, 2009

My Matthew......

Matthew had his GI appt this week with a new doctor-a second opinion. He had a nice weight gain this time around (compared to the ZERO weight gain last time over a SIX month period!) and now weighs a whopping 24.4 lbs!!! :) I found out that Matthew has had a Vitamin D and Zinc deficiency for some time now. Doc thinks this is due to his ileo....valve removed during his intestinal surgery back when he was six months old.....She did say that these low levels can cause slow growth, ... as we have seen in Matty. We are going to do a weight check in six weeks (since he had such good weight gain this time) and if weight gain is not good, then we are doing a full colonoscopy, along with a REE test for metabolism. She also wants his levels rechecked to see how his Zinc and Vit D do.....So in any event, we see the nutritionist in six weeks, and follow up with this new GI in 3 months. :)


wantie said...

congrate for the wight gain.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Matty!! Eat and drink lots :)

Brandi :) said...

yay-- awesome progress, Matty! keep it up, big guy! :)