Monday, February 19, 2007

Katie should be coming home......

Here is a pic of Katie at the hospital on Saturday night. As most of you know, Katie was airlifted to CHOP on Valentines Day night. She was having multiple seizures and we called 911 and had her taken by ambulance to RWJ@Hamilton. They intubated her and gave her anti-seizure meds. In any event, every test that was done virtually came back negative. No meningitis, no RSV, no blood on the brain...................she did test positive for the "rhinovirus", which I am told is a big word for the mere common cold. Docs think based on her prematurity along with this rhinovirus, it may have been enough to trigger a seizure. Docs also did an EEG and that showed no signs of even a predisposition to seizures, so again, that's a good sign. We are hoping this is a one time thing.................Katie will come home on anti-seizure meds, and then upon her follow up with a neurologist, will probably discontinue the meds at that point.

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