Friday, January 30, 2009

Matty's GI doctor called.....

I just wanted to update everyone on Matty. His GI doc called tonight from CHOP. From what the doctor said to me, it appears that the discrepeancy in the bone age might be a good thing! :) According to this doc, since there is such a huge difference in his bone age to his chronological age, he has all that much more "room" to he DOES have the capability to catch up. So, it sounds like a good thing----I'll be more content once we go to Endocrine, but still, good news there!
The bad news is that the doc just doesn't know why Matty is falling off of his growth curve. Now, Matty has never been "on the curve"---he has always been below the 3rd %, and up until recently, has pretty much followed his own curve. But now, it appears that Matty is falling even more off of his own curve, which is concerning.
In any event, the doc is ordering more stool testing-we did this last year, but it came back normal. He is checking for malabsorption. Matty eats a TON of food---and the question is then-where are all these nutrients going if he is not gaining the weight??? Doc is also ordering an "upper endoscopy"-my understanding is that they will get a better look at his stomach this way. And he also mentioned getting him allergy tested----I am not sure how this relates to slow growth????
In any event, I know Matty will be just fine. Maybe he will jsut be a smaller boy-it's sooo hard not to compare the four of them..........


Anonymous said...

So far, so good with the news... hope you continue to get good news and hope everything works out with Matty.

Sarah said...

It is hard not to compare-even just between siblings, I find myself doing that and I don't even have multiples!

Dorinda said...

I'm so glad you heard from the doctor - at least you have some more information. I am praying that all your testing will go smoothly and that Matty will be just fine :)

Anonymous said...

You donn't know me but...
on the allergy front my son has coeliacs disease which is an allergy for gluten, he was diagnosed at age 14 but had been falling further and further behind his peers height wise for a few years - his sister who is 19 months younger was taller than him for around a year. now 4 years since diagnosis he has removed gluten from his diet and is above average height and towers above his sister

hope that helps explain the allergy reasoning slightly

Anonymous said...

great news!! Thanks for updating for us. He may just be small...some people can eat a ton and never gain weight, I've always been very jealous of them :)

kdliberty said...

Celiac's would cause slow growth. It is pretty easy to test for. However, I know some who's 5' 5" husband eats 3000 calories a day just to maintain 120 lbs. Nobody knows why. However, it most be genetic because there 6 year old daughter is small for her age and is a good eater. Everybody is different!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann,
I am glad you are starting to get some answers and I ope you keep getting good reports.