Saturday, November 1, 2008

Stupid comment of the day........

Soooooo..........I took the kiddos to the Outlet stores today to get out of the house and see if we can find any good deals. The kids were in the RunAbout stroller........and of course we got a TON of attention. 99% of the comments were wonderful and just people that were curious. And then there was that 1%...............We are walking along minding our own business (and the kids were really well behaved) and a couple walks by. I hear the man tell the woman, "Some people just don't know when to STOP having kids!!"

OMG-like one of my fellow multiples mom said, "Okay - was he just an idiot? I mean how do you stop when you have 4 at once? Like after two you say "oh, we are done at two kids just leave the other two in?" Can somebody be that dumb??!!"

Ugh-like I said, at least it's only 1% of people that say stuff like that............ :)


Andria said...

Why do people say stuff like that for you to hear? That's awful. Wish you had a comeback for them, but if you're like me, I think of them much later than at that moment.

Some people!

Diana said...

yes, but that one percent always like to speak so loudly... as the saying goes, "better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"

Be blessed! Quadruple-y blessed!

Anonymous said...

well just think you're smarter than them :)

You should have asked them in they're face how you stop when there's 4 babyies in you :)