Wednesday, April 6, 2011

NICU Reunion at Sesame Place 3/26/11

Our first Harlem Globetrotters game!

A classmate of Nick's had his birthday party at the Harlem Globetrotters game...Nick has never seen them play and was very excited to do so. They put on an awesome show, and afterwards, stayed around for autographs!!

Nick's savings account....

Nicholas asked to open his own savings account today....he was sooo proud to put his money in his "own" account that HE controls.....He even signed for the deposit!!!

A day at the park....

Spring is creeping up on us.....I surprised the kids after school one day with an afternoon at the park....they had a BLAST! AND better yet, were GREAT listeners!

Trenton Devils game

Nick and I joined his fellow Cub Scouts at the Trenton Devils Hockey usual, Nick had a blast!!! And Mommy spent too much money! LOL

T-ball season begins!

I cannot believe that my little munchkins are big enough to play t-ball! Where has the time gone? I am so excited for them!

OLS Freshman Basketball team!

Nicholas made the Freshman Basketball team at OLS. He was super excited and played a great season! So proud of my little point guard!!!