Yes, we are 8 months old already! Emma is our most mobile and she loves to stick out her tongue as she is showing in the pic! She "slithers" all around the house, showing up in the weirdest places!!! I love watching her get around the house!
Matty has discovered his feet, as shown in the pic! He loves sucking on his toes and rolling all around the living room! He is doing excellent-no more crying and fussiness like before the surgery. He loves taking his bottle, and believe it or not, is my best solid food eater. He eats an entire jar of vegetables and an entire jar of fruit and still cries for more!
Austin and Katie are doing well. Austin has really became "vocal" lately, really making it known he is around! Katie, too. She "talks", too, her voice so much more raspy than the rest! We feed Katie 2x/day now, 10 tsp of pudding. She does so well and is getting so big!
We took the kids for their 8 month weight check on Tuesday, and they are as follows:
Matthew 12.10 lbs (up from 11.6 lbs last month)
Emma 15.15 lbs (up from 14.14 lbs)
Kaitlin 15.2 lbs (up from 14.2 lbs)
Austin 18.4 lbs (up from 17.14 lbs) didn't gain much but I attribute it to his reflux vomiting )
The doc is very pleased with their progress. After their 9 month checkup, doc said we would begin table food!!!! Higher calorie foods for them.................. :) I am so lucky they are doing so well!